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The Doug the Digger Road Show Info for Schools

Doug the Digger Road Show
Kerri-Ann Kenworth

download info PDFDownload a Roadshow Info Pack here (204 KB PDF) »

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  • Doug the Digger creator, Alistair McIntyre (aka Mr. Mac), will visit your school to share his story and some important messages for New Zealand schoolchildren, including:

    • The value of reading and writing.
    • Thinking safe.
    • The importance of pursuing your dreams.
    • Anyone can aspire to and achieve anything.

    Mr. Mac is a sought after speaker at pre-, primary and intermediate schools. Teachers recognise him as a much- needed positive male role model for their pupils in a sector faced with severe shortages of male teachers.

    Mr. Mac's Doug the Digger motivational presentations are fun, lively and interactive. They have already inspired, educated and entertained thousands of schoolchildren throughout New Zealand. Mr. Mac is also:

    Road Show Guidelines

    For larger schools I would suggest 3 sessions; juniors, middles and seniors; for smaller schools: 1 session.

    Please allow 40 - 60 minutes minimum for Mr. Mac's Doug the digger presentation, this also allows time for:

    • Questions and answers
    • Playing of a CD
    • Children to have a look at and talk about Mr. Mac's truck
    • One-on-one with students

    The cost is $5 per student plus GST ($5.75 total each). Payment details will accompany your invoice for the total amount.

    Interested in a Roadshow Visit?


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